
Our roadmap isn't just a plan, it's a commitment to continuous improvement. It outlines the strategic development and deployment phases of our AI-powered platform for Web3 security and compliance. This roadmap reflects our dedication to staying ahead of the curve and addressing the evolving needs of the blockchain ecosystem.

Our vision is to launch a revolutionary cross-chain security protocol, designed to unify blockchain security measures into a coordinated ecosystem, providing an open and transparent audit and protection layer for the DeFi 2.0 era. We're building a novel security architecture that bridges automated auditing and AI-driven scam detection across multiple chains, supporting high-throughput analysis, low-latency threat response, and eventual consensus on security states.

Our protocol will leverage cutting-edge AI to debug smart contracts in real-time, offering unparalleled protection for investors, users, and projects alike. By implementing a dual-verification mechanism, we'll achieve higher cybersecurity standards while maintaining the decentralized ethos of blockchain technology.

We'll continue expanding our security toolkit based on this omnichain data network, allowing developers to build robust, scam-resistant dApps and enabling users to interact with DeFi protocols with newfound confidence. Our goal is to create an interoperable security layer that becomes the gold standard for blockchain projects, fostering trust and accelerating mainstream crypto adoption.

2023 Roadmap: Research, Data Collection, and Initial Testing

Our journey in 2023 was foundational, focusing on laying the groundwork for our AI-driven platform through extensive research, data collection, and initial testing phases. Here's a recap of our key milestones throughout the year:

Q1 2023: Preliminary Research and Conceptualization

  • Market and Technical Research: Conducted comprehensive market analysis to understand the current landscape of smart contract vulnerabilities and existing security solutions. Parallelly, we embarked on technical research to explore the feasibility of applying AI in detecting and mitigating these vulnerabilities.

  • Concept Development: Defined the core concept of our AI-driven platform, focusing on how it could uniquely address the challenges identified in our research.

Q2 2023: Data Collection and Framework Design

  • Data Collection: Began collecting a vast array of data critical for training our AI models, including historical smart contract vulnerabilities, blockchain transaction records, and regulatory compliance guidelines. This data was sourced from public repositories, partner networks, and blockchain platforms.

  • AI Framework Design: Developed the initial design for our AI framework, determining the key AI methodologies to be used (deep learning, machine learning, NLP) and outlining the architecture for integrating these technologies into our smart contract security platform.

Q3 2023: Prototype Development and Internal Testing

  • Alpha Prototype Development: Translated our AI framework design into an initial prototype, capable of basic vulnerability detection and compliance checking for a limited set of smart contracts.

  • Internal Testing: Conducted rigorous internal testing of the prototype to evaluate its effectiveness in identifying known vulnerabilities and to refine the AI algorithms based on initial findings.

Q4 2023: Feedback Integration and Pilot Testing

  • Feedback Collection: After internal testing, we collected feedback from a select group of blockchain developers and security experts who interacted with our prototype, focusing on its usability, accuracy, and overall effectiveness.

  • Pilot Testing: Launched a pilot test with a small number of partners, applying our platform to real-world smart contracts. This phase was crucial for understanding the platform's performance in live environments and for gathering actionable insights to inform further development.

Here's a sneak peek into what's on the horizon:

  • Q1-Q2 2024: Building the Foundation

    • Platform Blueprint: We delve deep into the "what" and "how" of using AI for smart contract security and beyond. This involves brainstorming innovative applications and conducting feasibility studies to ensure our vision is achievable.

    • Tech Stack Selection: Not all tools are created equal. We have and will meticulously choose the most powerful AI, machine learning, and blockchain technologies to form the backbone of our platform.

    • Community Building and Awareness: Engage with potential users and investors through social media, forums, and blockchain events to build a strong community and raise awareness about the project.

    • Fair Launch: Implement a fair launch strategy that includes a public sale with a capped purchase limit per participant to prevent whale domination, ensuring a wide and equitable token distribution.

    • Liquidity Provision: Immediately after the TGE, allocate a portion of the raised funds to provide liquidity on decentralized exchanges (DEXs).

  • Q3-Q4 2024: Refining the Experience

    • Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Integrations: Collaborate with DeFi platforms for staking, lending, and yield farming opportunities for token holders, fostering utility and demand for the token.

    • Beta Launch – Behind the Scenes: We'll unveil a closed beta version to a select group of trusted partners on our waitlist. Their feedback on core functionalities will be invaluable in shaping the platform's future.

    • Community Rewards and Airdrops: Implement rewards programs and airdrops for early supporters and active community members to incentivize participation and loyalty.

    • Centralized Exchange (CEX) Listings: Pursue listings on prominent centralized exchanges to enhance token liquidity and accessibility to a broader audience.

    • Incorporating Insights: We'll take the feedback from the beta testers to heart. This includes refining our AI algorithms and user interface to ensure a smooth and intuitive experience.

    • Beta Launch – Opening the Doors: We'll open the doors to a wider audience with an open beta version. This broader testing phase will allow us to identify and rectify any lingering issues before the official launch.

  • Q1-Q2 2025: Going Live and Growing (Full-Scale Launch and Expansion)

    • Platform Launch – Ready for Business: This is it! We'll officially release the platform with all its functionalities, empowering users to secure and streamline their smart contracts.

    • Expanding Our Reach: We won't limit ourselves to one blockchain. We'll integrate the platform with major blockchain networks, ensuring compatibility and accessibility across the ecosystem.

    • Building open and transparent data interoperability layer: We believe in collaboration. We'll foster a vibrant community of developers, security experts, and blockchain enthusiasts to share ideas and contribute to the platform's omnichain data network.

  • Q3-Q4 2025 and Beyond: Staying Ahead of the Curve (Continuous Improvement and New Features)

    • AI on Autopilot: Our AI engine is never idle and we want to make it fully autonomous. We'll continuously train and improve it with new data and attack vectors, ensuring it remains at the forefront of security threats but it will work on its own.

    • Regulatory Harmony: The regulatory landscape is constantly shifting. We'll keep our compliance monitoring features up-to-date with the latest regulations, ensuring your smart contracts stay compliant.

    • Global Expansion and Partnerships: The world is our playing field. We'll expand our presence worldwide and forge strategic partnerships with leading blockchain platforms and enterprises.

Our roadmap is a testament to our dedication to providing a state-of-the-art AI-powered solution. By continuously improving and innovating, we ensure our platform stays ahead of the curve, effectively meeting the security and compliance needs of our users in the ever-evolving blockchain ecosystem.

Last updated