πŸ’™Insurance Pool

Securing the Future: Blockchain-based Digital Insurance for Smart Contract Failures

Veritas Protocol boasts a community-driven insurance pool designed for transparency, fairness, and sustainability. Multiple funding sources, including protocol fees, stablecoin premiums, and native token transfers, create a robust safety net for DeFi projects and users. A DAO-driven claims review ensures a decentralized and equitable process. Furthermore, staking rewards, bug bounties, and airdrops incentivize participation and strengthen the ecosystem's security. This comprehensive approach fosters a secure and trustworthy DeFi environment, promoting innovation and confidence.

This diagram showcases the comprehensive design and workflow of the Veritas Protocol's community-funded insurance pool. Let's break down its key components and how they interact:

1. Funding the Pool:

  • Protocol Activity Fees: A portion of fees from audits, subscriptions, and premium features on Veritas Protocol flow into the insurance pool.

  • Project Premiums: Projects seeking coverage pay monthly premiums in stablecoins, directly contributing to the pool's funds.

  • Project Token Transfers: Projects contribute a portion of their native tokens to the pool.

  • Personal Coverage: Individual users can opt for personal coverage by contributing to the pool.

2. The Insurance Pool:

The core of the system, the insurance pool, accumulates funds from various sources. It acts as a reserve, providing financial protection and covering valid claims.

3. DAO Claim Reviews:

  • Claims Process: Submitted claims undergo a DAO review to assess validity and determine the payout amount. This community involvement ensures transparency and fairness.

  • Claim Outcomes: Valid claims are processed, and payouts are made from the funs in the insurance pool.

4. Rewards and Incentives:

  • Staking Rewards: $VPT holders who stake their tokens earn rewards funded by the insurance pool and its generated interest.

  • Bug Bounty Programs: The protocol incentivizes security by offering bug bounty rewards for identifying vulnerabilities in insured smart contracts.

  • Airdrop Rewards: Project-contributed native tokens are distributed as rewards for stakers and bug bounty hunters, further encouraging community participation.

5. Payout Mechanism:

Upon DAO approval, valid claims trigger payouts from the insurance pool. This ensures projects and individuals experiencing losses due to smart contract failures receive proper compensation.

Overall, the Veritas Protocol insurance pool aims to provide a secure and reliable DeFi environment through a community-driven, transparent, and sustainable system.

Last updated